Friday, November 30, 2007

Accident Update

It has been a week since my last post. In this past week I have been to the Penn Pain Center for cortisone trigger point injections. TPI is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle that contain trigger points, or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. For me the relief lasts for a couple of days and this week after the accident it didn't help at all. I went to the doctors today and they diagnosed me with whiplash and in my case it really aggrevated the problems I already suffered from making the pain worse. I have to go to Physical Therapy more for massage, heat and ice than trying to do exercises to strenthen the muscle. Due to the fusion and complex anomalies on my neck doing exercises are limited to my fusion and most likely will cause more pain then helping. I have to continue on the fentanyl patch to manage the pain and due to the increase in pain from the accident I may have to have my dosage increased.

On a better note, this weekend we are going to my Mom's for our annual XMAS party. We have a chinese polyianna every year which is alot of fun. I will post a slideshow on Monday.

Enjoy this weekend and the beginning of December, the last month of 2007. I can't believe 2008 is right around the corner. Where has the year gone?

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